12 — Relational Data (1)

Kieran Healy

January 23, 2024

Relational Data

Load the packages, as always

library(here)      # manage file paths
library(socviz)    # data and some useful functions
library(tidyverse) # your friend and mine

Specialty packages

library(tidygraph) # tidy management of relational data
library(ggraph)   # geoms for drawing graphs

library(kjhnet)   # some network datasets

Social Relations and Ties

Social Relations and Ties

A dyad

Social Relations and Ties


Centrality in Networks


Centrality as a kind of power

The ‘tertius gaudens’ or ‘laughing third’

Groups and Categories

The duality of persons and groups

The Redcoats are coming

Example: Paul Revere

Paul Revere

He looks a lot like Jack Black

Paul Revere

  • St Andrew’s Lodge
  • The Loyal Nine
  • Boston North Caucus
  • The Long Room Club
  • The Tea Party
  • The Boston Committee
  • The London Enemies List

Paul Revere

7 organizations

254 people

Membership table

This is an adjacency matrix

Membership table … transposed

Flip it on its side

The Duality of Persons and Groups

  • People are “connected” by their co-membership in groups
  • Groups are “connected” by the people they share
  • We can move back and forth between these representations
  • Breiger (1974)

Moving between the tables

One way to multiply the matrices

Moving between the tables

And the other way

Paul Revere: Matrix version

              person st_andrews_lodge loyal_nine north_caucus long_room_club
1         Adams.John                0          0            1              1
2       Adams.Samuel                0          0            1              1
3           Allen.Dr                0          0            1              0
4 Appleton.Nathaniel                0          0            1              0
5        Ash.Gilbert                1          0            0              0
6    Austin.Benjamin                0          0            0              0
  tea_party boston_committee london_enemies
1         0                0              0
2         0                1              1
3         0                0              0
4         0                1              0
5         0                0              0
6         0                0              1
               person st_andrews_lodge loyal_nine north_caucus long_room_club
249  Willis.Nathaniel                0          0            0              0
250 Wingfield.William                1          0            0              0
251      Winslow.John                0          0            0              1
252     Winthrop.John                0          0            1              0
253      Wyeth.Joshua                0          0            0              0
254      Young.Thomas                0          0            1              0
    tea_party boston_committee london_enemies
249         1                0              0
250         0                0              0
251         0                0              0
252         0                0              1
253         1                0              0
254         1                1              0

Paul Revere: Matrix version

r_p <- as.matrix(revere[,-1]) %*% t(as.matrix(revere[,-1]))
[1] 254 254
r_p[1:10, 1:10]
      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10]
 [1,]    2    2    1    1    0    0    0    0    0     1
 [2,]    2    4    1    2    0    1    1    1    1     1
 [3,]    1    1    1    1    0    0    0    0    0     1
 [4,]    1    2    1    2    0    0    0    0    0     1
 [5,]    0    0    0    0    1    0    0    0    0     0
 [6,]    0    1    0    0    0    1    1    1    1     0
 [7,]    0    1    0    0    0    1    1    1    1     0
 [8,]    0    1    0    0    0    1    1    2    1     0
 [9,]    0    1    0    0    0    1    1    1    1     0
[10,]    1    1    1    1    0    0    0    0    0     1

Paul Revere: Matrix version

r_g <- t(as.matrix(revere[,-1])) %*% as.matrix(revere[,-1])

[1] 7 7
                 st_andrews_lodge loyal_nine north_caucus long_room_club
st_andrews_lodge               53          2            3              2
loyal_nine                      2         10            3              0
north_caucus                    3          3           59              5
long_room_club                  2          0            5             17
tea_party                       3          2           13              2
boston_committee                1          0            9              5
london_enemies                  3          3           16              5
                 tea_party boston_committee london_enemies
st_andrews_lodge         3                1              3
loyal_nine               2                0              3
north_caucus            13                9             16
long_room_club           2                5              5
tea_party               97                3              8
boston_committee         3               21             11
london_enemies           8               11             62

Making this tidier

  • Network matrices get really large really fast
  • They’re also usually very sparse
  • We can’t store this data tidily in a single table
  • But we can with two tables. tidygraph does this for us.

Paul Revere: Tidy version

# A tbl_graph: 7 nodes and 49 edges
# An undirected multigraph with 1 component
# Node Data: 7 × 2 (active)
     id name            
  <int> <chr>           
1     1 st_andrews_lodge
2     2 loyal_nine      
3     3 north_caucus    
4     4 long_room_club  
5     5 tea_party       
6     6 boston_committee
7     7 london_enemies  
# Edge Data: 49 × 3
   from    to value
  <int> <int> <dbl>
1     1     1    53
2     1     2     2
3     1     3     3
# ℹ 46 more rows

Paul Revere: Tidy version

out <- revere_groups |>
  ggraph(layout = "kk") +
  geom_edge_link(aes(width = value), color = "gray80") +
  geom_node_label(aes(label = name)) + theme_graph()

Paul Revere: Tidy version

  • The person x person network
out <-  revere_persons |>
  mutate(centrality = centrality_eigen()) |>
  ggraph(layout = "stress") +
  geom_edge_link0(aes(edge_width = value), color = "gray60") +
  scale_edge_width(range = c(0.02, 2))+
  geom_node_point() +
  geom_node_label(aes(filter = centrality > 0.9, label = name), size = rel(2.5)) + 